Monday, May 12, 2014

Cherished Sins

Our pastor has been doing a series of sermons on praying. Yesterday’s service was fantastic. He talked about our cherished sins. These are the sins we hold on tightly to with clenched fists, in an effort to protect them, cover them up, hide them from everyone else. Cherished sins are those sins you won’t talk to anyone about, not even God, even though that sin can’t be hidden from God. Ironically, these are the sins God wants to talk to you about. Talking about these sins builds your character, sets you free from guilt, opens your heart up to receive forgiveness.
I recently finished a bible study to go along with the concept of “cherished sins.” It was a Beth Moore bible study called Sacred Secrets. There are several different YouTube videos to watch about it. When I first started the class, I didn’t think I had any secrets. I’m pretty open to talking to people about anything I’ve done whether it’s good or bad. But there is one thing I have that I do not talk about unless someone else brings it up first. I have talked to God about this sin I have. I have come to terms and learned to accept the consequences of my own actions. I have also told people that are close to me about this sin. I’ve talked to others who aren’t close to me about this sin. But it is not a topic I have ever brought up on my own.
Luckily, God doesn’t expect us to share these secrets with everyone. He only expects us to share them with Him and when you share your secret sins with Him, He will reward you. Everyone has secrets, it doesn’t make you a bad person. What matters most is what you do with that secret. When you hold on to this secret sin with fists tightly closed, that sin becomes your baggage. That sin becomes a weight on your shoulders.
I challenge you to spend time thinking about your secret this week. If you feel brave, visit the website It is a place people go to share their secret to help let go of the burden of carrying the weight of the secret around. Maybe seeing other people’s secrets will help you feel better about your own.

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