Sunday, April 20, 2014

God Speaks

A little over a year ago, some events took place in my life that caused family members to act like enemies. We decided it was best for us to close the doors to some of our relationships. We needed time to grow, learn and better ourselves and unfortunately, closing these doors was the only way to do that at the time.
Over the past several weeks, the message at church has been to love your enemy. Since family members were acting like enemies, it was those family members I first thought of. God had been sending me a message to try to open those doors. But I didn’t know how. So many hurtful things had been said and you can’t unsay things you have already said. But that’s okay! You can’t undo what has already been done. What you can do is try your best to make sure you do things better in the future.
I continued to pray, because I still did not feel I knew how to do what God was asking me to do. I prayed to God, asking him how do I show love to my enemy? Before I continue, I want to emphasize I do not really consider these people my enemy. I use it more as an analogy. God gave me the answer. Scrolling through my Facebook news feed one day, I saw a post that said something along these lines,
“Extend the same grace to others that God has extended to you.”
I had my answer. I knew how God wanted me to show love to my enemies. But I was still confused. I asked myself, “What grace does God extend to me?” He forgives me. He blesses me. Okay, how can I do that for them? I didn’t know the answer to that question so I waited. Then it came to me. Someone said something along the lines of “Others see our love in what we pray.” God wanted me to begin by praying for my enemies. But in order for it to do any good, they had to see what I had been praying for.
“But what words do I use?” God put the words into my head. I began to post prayers were others could see them. I sent prayers to three people. Two of those people had very positive responses. The third person only had words filled with anger and hate. Literally right after I read her responses, I opened a devotional app on my phone. The Bible verse for that day was
Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. ~ Ephesians 5:11
I sent the same prayer to three different people. Two responded with kindness. The third responded with hostility, anger and hatred. As I read her responses, I did not get angry. I could feel her pain, her hurt. I don’t know what caused her pain, but it is deep. I wanted to offer her comfort, but sadly, it is not me she is wanting to receive comfort from.
I pray, Lord, that you will take that pain and hurt away from her. I pray that others will show her love. I pray you will allow her to feel that love. I pray that you will put someone in her life with whom she would want to fight to keep the relationship alive instead of fight to destroy it. Lord, every one deserves love and happiness, no matter what they have done in their past. Please, Lord, help her feel your forgiveness.


  1. Jennifer, it is so very interesting to watch the growth that is taking place in your life, but be warned, the closer you draw to God the harder the devil will fight and place those road blocks. The status of grace is hard won and hard kept. Just like patience, praying for it can be a dangerous thing for a simple human being as ourselves. It states: "Bless them that persecute you", it is those that fight the hardest that feel the most guilt, and in your presence feel the persecution that they have heaped upon others upon themselves. That is only the love of God shining through you to lighten the darkness within them. I tend not to discuss my faith, or lack thereof, with others but applaud your willingness to put yourself out there. I have finally chosen to stand back and let them sink in their own quagmire and not allow them to drag me down with them, even if they are family members. Which for me is sad because at the time when I actually need the support of my family it is not available. But through the years I have made my mistakes, been made strong, and learned to put my faith and trust where it will never be returned with anything but love, acceptance and kindness. Your sister-in-law Theresa

    1. Thank you for you concern, Theresa. I will be on the lookout for dangerous situations. I'm glad you felt comfortable expressing your opinion here. My goal is to create a space where everyone can feel free to express their opinions in a respectful way, just like you did. I hope you continue to feel comfortable expressing yourself to me. We have all made mistakes. We can't change what we did in the past, we can only stride to do better in the future. Your words of kindness mean a lot to me.

  2. I am excited for your growth and your willingness to follow Christ's plan for your life. No one said this journey will be easy but the hope we have in Jesus is sufficient. Keep moving forward in God's word... love u

    1. Vonda, thank you! I'm so happy I found our little Life Group. It has helped me in more ways than you know! Looking forward to the future.

  3. All I can say is that who ever responded with anger I am TRUELY sorry for you to have that. I know I have not been the best sister over the years but I feel that this last year or so I have really gotten to know YOU. And I am really great full for that. You are a live and kind person and soi eautiful inside and out. I do understand getting that kind of respond hurts I recently had that experience and it hurt. But I was told in a dream (weird? ) that before they can let someone in and the hurt they are expressing might not only be towards me but themselves to and before they can forgive anyone else they have to forgive themselves. And that's harder to do. Anyways I love reading your stuff it is inspiring. I love you guys very much.

    1. Thank you for your sympathy, I really do appreciate it. But I don't feel I need any sympathy. I have let my own fears get in the way of letting others get to know me. I'm glad I am able to show people the real me now. I agree with the lesson in your dream. Maybe this person needs to forgive herself. Maybe she has feelings that she doesn't like and that makes her feel guilty, I don't know what has caused her pain. I know I have seen her treat people with kindness and there was a time where she even treated me with kindness. I pray she gets the love and happiness she is entitled to.
