Thursday, October 15, 2015

Under Attack

It’s been a while since I have updated my blog. A lot has happened and I have had to spend a great deal of time processing several different things. The year 2015 began with my husband and me taking a marriage class at our church. We started the class towards the end of 2014. We met with a small group of people every week for about 9 months. We learned what God intends a marriage to be and how to turn God’s intentions into a reality. I learned a lot through that process. I learned some really bad things that I wish I could forget. But most importantly, I learned about how the love God has for us can really change us. The catch is, it only works if we allow His love into our hearts. 

After we completed the course, our leaders told us that Satan would try to attack our marriage. They were right. Just a few weeks after “graduating” from the class, Satan found a way in. He attacked our marriage in a big, BIG way. Satan was trying to destroy our marriage and it was beginning to feel like he was winning. We had to do something. We began by reaching out to our leaders. On their recommendation, we went and saw the movie, The War Room, which is pretty amazing. I can’t wait to buy that movie.

The day after that, I woke up with a plan to kick Satan out of my marriage and out of my home. My husband and I dove into the Lord’s word and were obedient to Him. Satan was still lurking around, looking for ways to destroy our marriage. He attacked us a couple of times, but we were not going to let him win.
The reality is that Satan is always going to try to find a way into our lives. His primary goals are to kill, steal, and destroy. He wants to kill our spirit, steal our joy, and destroy our relationships. The only thing that drives Satan away is God’s love. This is hard to remember when Satan is attacking. That is why it is so important to remember God loves us so much that He gave us a choice. God will only come in if we invite Him in. Satan doesn’t want to give us that choice. He will work really hard to find a way in. He doesn’t care if he is welcome or not.

This year, I’ve learned quite a bit about myself. God has revealed to me why He put me on this path. I am learning how to accept the blessings God has intended for me. It is true that God doesn’t always give us what our heart desires. Sometimes it's because it isn't the right time. We have to be patient and wait. In the meantime, He blesses us in other ways. I pray everyone reading this will begin looking for God's blessings instead of focusing on a heart not getting what it wants. 

Sometimes God doesn't give us our heart's desires because He has a bigger and better plan for us. We have to be brave enough to step through the door God is holding open for us in that moment. I pray everyone reading this finds the courage to step through whatever door God is holding open for you.

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