Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why are you fighting?

Why do people fight? Is it because they are trying to stand up for something that is noble? Are they fighting because someone hurt someone else they love? Are they fighting to protect their own selfish ego, maybe they fight to protect someone else’s selfish ego?
There are many reasons people fight. I won’t fight to protect a person’s ego. In my experiences, a person fights to protect their ego when they have done something they don’t want to be held accountable for. When you fight to protect someone’s ego, you are only enabling their behavior; therefore you are adding to the problem. You are giving them permission to act that way again.
About a year ago, I lost a friendship because I refused to fight to protect someone’s ego. I wasn’t going to sweep the problem under the rug and pretend nothing had happened. I tried to confront her about the problem but she got angry. Looking back, I can recognize the time where I should have just let it go and walked away. But that isn’t what I did. I tried to have a conversation with her about the problem, but she wanted to shut me out. She wanted to be in control of the conversation and use the time to speak but not take any time to listen. I used the internet and social media to confront her when she tried to control the situation by shutting me out. She had no intentions of dealing with the issue and nothing I did was going to make her change her mind. Now I know I should have accepted that, walked away, and moved on.
Today I have moved on. I’m sorry that our friendship will never be what it once was or what it could have been. I’m grateful for the doors that have opened up to me in the past year. I pray daily that she will find whatever it is in life that she is looking for. I pray for her relationships with others and with her family. I pray she finds someone she is willing to fight to keep in her life when times get tough. After all, what kind of relationship is it if you don’t have the desire to fight to keep it alive?

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